Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Upper Thames 2010 summary report

I run the risk here of irritating brother Matthew: he probably believes that to quantify HIM is sacrilege. Nevertheless, I'm so happy about the last two wonderful seasons here in Upper Thames, I just have to report it.
1] 2009 was twice as good as any as the previous 6 seasons, but 2010 was even better with 75% more sightings than in 2009. I've no idea why; has anybody?
2] HIM was seen in 46 localities, of which 12 were new habitats, by 45 recorders
3] The best territory was in a very small wood, aptly named Little Wood. Around one huge Ash and several Oaks at the highest point, sightings were made on 15 days between June 28th and August 7th: a 40 day period.
4] The first sightings were on June 28th, and the last on August 8th.

1 comment:

  1. >1] 2009 was twice as good as
    >any as the previous 6 seasons,
    >but 2010 was even better with
    >75% more sightings than in 2009.
    >I've no idea why; has anybody?

    Climate change! Parmesan etal 1999, Nature, 399, pp579-583.

    Despite this, iris ICUN classification in GB still 'upgraded' from "Not Threatened" in 1999, to "Near Threatened" in 2007! Go figure?


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