Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Progress Report

Despite the wet spring, Emperor larvae are actually bang on schedule, making the most of any dry and warm spells. Some are well into their 4th instar, like this one, photoed this morning -

Late developers have just entered the 4th instar, but they whizz through that stage in fine weather. They can get stuck in the 5th (and final instar), through poor weather.  

At this range, it looks like an end of June start to the 2023 flight season but I'll issue a formal prediction at the end of May. Watch this space...

Anyone interested in joining the PE WhatsApp group, contact me on 07771 971488 via WhatsApp (don't phone, there's a blocker on it). This group, currently of 50 Emperorphiles, is active all year round. It's an information-sharing group, not a photographers network. 


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