Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Iris makes Primetime TV - licence fees not wasted after all!

Helping BBC Nat Hist Unit film piece on Iris for a forthcoming 1 hour BBC2 prog on British Butts. Now, we believe strongly that the PE bit must be the best part of the hour, so I'm under Maximum Pressure to ensure that happens..... Transmission: winter 2010-11.

Alice was at her stupendous best, with males constantly in view sallow searching in late morning in the Straits. At one point 4 sallow-searching males were in view. Then a good session from a cherry picker at Goose Green, with a male in George's Glade attacking everything in sight - including Nithatch and Great Splatted woodpecker and the Tit family..... Some interesting female behaviour incl more egg laying.

We also filmed, from on high, various frolickings involving people wearing nothing but One Sock - all of which will be broadcast.

I remain, determined to finish this bottle of sack before starting the port....


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