Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Early Purple Season In Pictures

An untimely overload of work, both in my 'proper' job and for Butterfly Conservation, has severely curtailed my Purple activities this season, and pretty much scuppered my attempts to post news either here or to the BC Sussex Branch website http://www.sussex-butterflies.org.uk/sightings.html - where much Purple activity in the county has been reported by others. I even failed in my plans to join Matthew at Fermyn, where I might have shared his wonderful sighting of the luscious lugenda (congratulations on achieving such a terrific photographic record, on top of the experience itself!). In terms of reporting, the best I have managed, is to keep up (just) with the personal diary I've been running all year on Pete Eeles' superb UK Butterflies website, at http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=4065&start=100. This lamentable situation is likely to continue until next week, when I hope that normal business can be resumed. So for now, a brief history of my Emperor season to date, in pictures.........

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