Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Flies In

Gentlemen, in 3 hours of intense effort I struggled to see 3 male iris in my beloved Straits Inclosure, Alice Holt, which is well below par by recent standards but hardly surprising as the main breeding ground was almost clear-felled in February. What was impressive, though, was camilla, which is probably having its best year there since the late 1970s. I saw four 'black admirals', including one that may well have been full nigrina. paphia was also excellent, though all 'type'.

Great to see a minimum of 5 males at Goose Green Old Car Park in Alice, including 4 in a vista (plus another male in another territory further along), between 1-2pm. Can I scupper rumours that the FC have felled some of the favoured perching trees here. They have not! All they've done is dumped cord wood in the old car parking area, extracted from a very sensitive thinning operation in the ageing plantation just downslope of the Emperor territories - during which most sallows have been left, and a few pollarded - fine.

Off to Fermyn now. This means I wont be able to blog anything until Mon evening at the earliest (unless anyone tells me how to do it via my BlackBerry)?

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