Monday, August 2, 2010

Last of the season at Marks Hall

Iris Newbery, a founding member of Cambs & Essex Branch of BC, showed some of us round the woodland walks at Marks Hall, Essex last Thursday, 29 July. Although generally overcast, we found what must have been one of the last male PEs of the season, and saw numerous Silver-washed Fritillaries. The warden told me that there had been a good number of sightings this season and Apatura Iris were well-established here again. I don't have details but they were introduced 10 years ago to a nearby wood, from where they have spread to Marks Hall. No additions have been made for the last 4 years. I shall be searching earlier next season. It's a lovely place to visit and good facilities, but there is an entrance charge. Matthew - I made a Great Butterfly Count return for 15 mins at Marks Hall to include one Purple Emperor, so that's one more on record!
David Newland

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