Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas to you all!!!

My Present to you all. Sorry, but due to the unpublished nature of the work, I am unfortunately unable to display more, but for the first time ever, here are some images of A.iris and the closely related S.charonda which have never been seen before. Merry Christmas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think that's the most cryptic Christmas present ever! "Due to the unpublished nature of the work, I am unfortunately unable to display more". So what was the point of posting it at all then, when it's meaningless without some context? If you're trying to drum up interest, you're going about it the wrong way IMHO :)

  3. Apologies for the obtuse nature of the previous post, but as stated, due to the unpublished nature of the work, I am currently (unfortunately) unable to divulge any more details. Thankfully however, today my research has been endorsed (personally) by Dr. Martin Warren (Chief Executive of Butterfly Conservation UK), so all I now need, is the small amount of research money that I am attempting to request from the various funding sources to which I have applied in order to (hopefully) re-write some of the Apaturinae natural-history. Due to the current financial climate, this is unfortunately not going to be easy, but I will do whatever I can (hopefully with the educated support of some of the experienced members) in order to continue this research work. BTW, a personal (written) good-luck, thumbs-up on the work has also been said by the President of Butterfly Conservation UK (i.e Sir David Attenborough). As with any on-going research work however, we still unfortunately have much more work to do, but lets hope that 2011 will be a good year for us all!


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