Sunday, January 23, 2011

Doings at Sevenoaks

This report and lovely series of pix from John Rickman in Sevenoaks. Is this the current eastern limit? Matthew? (And from down here in Australia it looks like an Empress?)

He (?) was on my patio, at our cottage between Edenbridge and Ide Hill.

We front on to a wood and are surrounded by meadows. I had recently decided there was little point in trying to dash back for the “book” and trust to memory the details. So I dashed into the house for my Canon Ixus and he (?) was waiting for me to take a photo from about 6 inches away. Having had my thoughts confirmed, I sent the photo’s off to a very pleasant lady, plus our map reference at, as requested. Subsequently I have searched for “the Oak or Ash tree” but with no luck. Can you tell me the typical flight range of a Purple Emperor. Might help me narrow down the search?? John

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