Sunday, January 2, 2011

Warwickshire Sighting

Report from Wendy Mace:

Hi thereI was given Patrick Barkham's book for Christmas and have always been interested in butterflies and moths (and indeed all our flora and fauna)In July 2009 a friend and I were walking thorugh Hay Wood in Warwickshire (near Baddesley Clinton) on a nice sunny day and we had the good fortune to see an Emperor (though we didn't know what it was until we got home and looked in a book) - it flew down in front of us and sat on the ground and its dark colour with white markings but especially the gorgeous blue / purple shine on its wings - I am sure it had to be an Emperor. We went back a couple of times this summer but there were very few butterflies to be seen - I think we were lucky that day as there seemed to be lots of other butterflies around.I hope I was right in my identificationn - Hay Wood is a very nice wood with some wide paths which allow the sunshine down to the ground. A good mixture of trees as well.Kind regardsWendy Mace

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