Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fermyn (Part 2)

I'm very grateful to Nick Ballard and Phil Bromley for pointing out the Purple Emperor aberrant (later identified as ab. afflicta by Piers Vigus) which they had already photographed that morning (29th June) in Lady Wood at Fermyn. I had already clocked up 26 grounded males on an adjacent ride, but the day was just getting better by the moment! The butterfly had retired to a low hazel during a dull, cooler period, but was tantalisingly just out of reach of the camera. As we chewed the cud I remained quietly optimistic that it would return to ground ....... and after 10 minutes it did so, thereafter allowing me ample opportunity to photograph this rare and beautiful insect. On Friday (1st July) I received a text from Matthew, who had just arrived at Fermyn and quickly located the specimen. Apparently it was also giving much pleasure to other lucky butterflyers. Two days in Fermyn is never enough.

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