Monday, August 8, 2011

Matthew's Latest!

I notice that Matthew's name has turned up on p35 of last weeks (August 7th) Sunday Express. Just a pity that young Stella Woodbridge was pictured with a Morpho instead of his Highness! For those interested the associated text reads:

"Nature lovers join the butterfly beauty hunt" There has never been a better time to be a butterfly spotter. This summer has produced a bumper insect crop with warm temperatures and sunny spells bringing many of Britain's 46 species out in force. Unlike the VIctorians who netted the creatures, killed them and mounted them on boards, today's butterfly hunters are content tp photograph or simply admire them. The pastime is now so popular the National Trust is running a "love butterflies" weekend and encouraging the public to use internet site Twitter to post the names of species they see and where they are spotted. Trust conservation adviser Matthew Oates said "If all goes well, you're left with beautiful pictures and treasured memories".

1 comment:

  1. Oates also turned up that day on P5 of The Sun (close, very close...) and P2 of The Mirror. Perhaps incredibly, those two presented a better picture of what was trying to be said. This may be what was really behind the great inner city riots of 2011...


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