Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wont Go To Bed!

Iris larvae remain loath to go into hibernation in this mild autumn, though they are actually going in now.

In Savernake, six out of nine had gone into hibernation by Fri Nov 18th. The first went in between the 5th and 12th.

However, in 2009, one was hibernating by Oct 23rd and the last by Nov 15th. In 2010 one went in between 17th and 23rd Oct, and all were in by Nov 13th. And those were fairly mild autumns.

In captivity this autumn, on a 'late' tree, four out of seven are now in hibernation but two are still on green leaves, as below.

'I refuse to hibernate!' Culkerton, Glos, 20/11/11

'Done it!' Savernake, Wilts, 18/11/11

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