Monday, May 7, 2012

How's Iris Doing?

The current foul & abusive weather is due entirely to the horrific combination of widespread hose pipe bans / drought orders coupled with a Jubilee summer.  The track record of these, singly, in this country is dire, but add the two together and the situation becomes cataclysmic, even apocalyptic.  It may well be that the only decent weather we'll get all summer will be during the Olympics, when the nation will be glued to TV screens...

His Imperial Majesty is struggling rather.  Larvae in captivity and in the wild are still in their 4th (over-wintering) instar, whereas normally they are in the 5th instar by now.  But they have all but changed colour to vernal green and they are feeding, slowly but surely, and one of my captive larvae is trying to change skin.  So, slow but steady progress, but at this rate the imago wont appear before July (though it is too early for that sort of prognosis). 

But spare a thought for His Grace the Duke of Burgundy, who has to fly in This... 

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