Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Immediate ilia pupae exchange…Anyone Interested?

Following on from Dennis’ recent “LATE IRIS” post, I subsequently write to enquire if there are any seasoned bloggers reading here who currently has any ilia pupae and/or larvae in culture and would potentially be interested in an immediate specimen exchange? In order to clarify, I currently have an ilia specimen (which from examination I estimate to be female) which pupated on Sunday the 3rd of June and assuming that it follows it natural course, having been kept in my culture greenhouse is subsequently expected to eclose around/after Sunday 17th June. Apart from having 2 later ilia larvae still in culture, the most mature (male) specimen of which is expected to pupate in around 7 days time, whilst the third (still too early to sex) larvae is due to pupate about a week after that, I am actually due to fly out to Turkey this coming Friday morning (15th June), so will unfortunately be unable to watch over and/or adequately care, for any adults that might (or then again, might not) eclose during my 10 day absence. Not really wanting to take the risk, I consequently wondered (considering the high degree of larvae developmental variance this year) if anyone (seasoned bloggers only please) would be interested in exchanging an ‘early’ (expected female) ilia pupae (due to eclose around/after Sunday 17th June), for an ideally male ilia pupae who’s eclosion is likely to coincide with either of my ‘later’ ilia specimens…currently in their late and early 5th instars respectively? If so, please can you drop me an immediate email, as I would need to post the pupae out to you tomorrow and we will of course need to iron out any details before that! I must however apologize for the online photo-grab (attached). My camera is not set up for macro work, so I eventually gave up (after many, many attempts) trying to obtain a focused shot of my actual pupae! I look forward to hearing from you....

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