Monday, July 30, 2012

Alice Holt Update

After a slow start things started to pick up and reasonably good numbers were seen both in territories and in the rides, with a maximum of six at Goose Green on one occaision. Since then I have managed to get to Alice Holt for seven consecutive days and I would say the results with males have been generally very disappointing. I have really struggled to see more than four males in the rides over the forest as a whole - regularly looking in Abbots, Straits and Willows Green.On more than one occaision some of the woods have revealed none. Frequently there has only been a lone male on territory in Abbots Wood Car park and between one and three at Goose Green. I have only seen one grounded male in total despite pretty good weather. On the plus side females have been out in force in the last few days. On one day I saw six different females, including three in one sallow and another in an adjacent one - all at the same time. I actually saw more females than males on this day. One female was hiding in the top of a sallow when a male came within eighteen inches without spotting her. Including today I have seen females laying for five consecutive days which will hopefully bode well for next year. Photo of Herself winning Hide and Seek

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