Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Brief News from Kent

A few pages back, Matthew asked about news from Kent.

I moved back home to Kent late last year and have been in search is His Imperial Majesty this season. He exists at Dene Park, a FC wood north of Tonbridge and at at several sites west and south west of here towards Surrey. I never knew He existed here as a kid! Although, maybe He didn't back then.

Despite several attempts I have been unsucessful at Dene Park this year, although He has been seen there. I last visited at the weekend of 21st/22nd July and met someone who had seen Him that morning. I suspect numbers are low this year.

There is only one report on Kent BC's website so far, a male at Bough Beech reservior (near Ide Hill) on 25th July.

Lee Hurrell


  1. Thanks so much Lee, that's really helpful. He may be in very low numbers in Kent this year, as in Sussex (though Surrey seems ok).

  2. Dear Lee,
    how many people are helping you in this search?
    In Upper Thames section [berks/bucks/oxon] there are 20 to 30 people scouring the woods in our region; we all need lots of help if we want to establish the range of iris in a region

    Dennis [litanis78@yahoo.com]

  3. Thanks Matthew.

    Hi Dennis, It isn't a large formal search as per your recent post, more simply my own observations and news from those I've spoken to.

    I will speak to my local BC branch though to see if there is an organised search, in which I may be able to feed into.

    Best wishes both,



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