Friday, July 6, 2012

First sighting at Bentley Wood.

Finally, my first sighting of Iris this year at 10.45am yesterday morning at Bentley Wood. A grumpy individual who first tried to attack my camera lens before completing several close circuits of my head before heading off down the ride. Kept watching my favourite territories until 2.00pm but no other Iris seen. The first female Silver Washed starting to appear amongst the males and the White Admirals are starting to show signs of wear having been out for a week or so. Overall numbers of all species low. 20 degrees / low cloud forecast today. Hopeful of a sighting but what a terrible start to the season!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this post, Richard. We hear precious little from Bentley Wood on this blog and would appreciate regular updates, including what's in the visitors' book.


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