Sunday, July 22, 2012

From Ashley Whitlock

Today I saw (19) Purple Emperors in Alice Holt Forest which is my second best record. Not bad for a poor year! In Straits Inclosure I saw (3) Two were in the area of the lookout tower of which one was imbibing on the sap of the wood, where it stayed for up to 30 odd minutes. Another was oak edging down the ride. In Abbotts Wood Inclosure there was two sat in the same Oak tree barely a metre apart looking down at me, contemplating on coming down to get minerals I suspect although they never did, one took off over the oaks and another decided to look at a large Sallow bush, where he found no females, and he decided to go wandering off. Another Male was seen oak edging further up the ride towards the large car-park, At the Assembly points at ALH(1) there was three males on territory, and female came wandering through and a male followed her in  the usual 'follow me flight' and promptly  disappeared However it was back later, and I think the female was playing hard to get. At the Abbotts Wood territory, there was one male flying around and using a Norwegian Spruce for a landing platform, where he looked very uncomfortable!. My wife and decided to have lunch there, at the picnic tables and just as I was tucking into my Chicken and Mushroom Pie we espied a female flying across the vista she was a lovely specimen with rusty coloured wings, she promptly took off over the Pines and Sweet Chestnut trees, she may well have been looking for a suitable Sallow to Egg-Lay as it was about that time. At Buckshot Hole there was nothing, I don't think they have occupied this site this year. At Goose Green there was a female flying around the Cherry tree as soon as we got there, and was tormenting the males on station of which there were at least (6) two down the ride  on the wayleaves on the large oak, two were at the top on the small beech tree, and one was in Georges Vista.
An excellent days Emperoring.

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