Tuesday, July 24, 2012

From Tony Rogers

We had a good day at Bentley Wood on Monday afternoon this week (23rd July). We started off going to the clearing below the main car park to search along the Sallows. Within 15 minutes we saw our first female Emperor and shortly after one or two more. I know there were at least two because we saw them flying at the same time. Then I got quite close a laying female (see pic).

    After that we back to the track that runs off the main drive below the car park. About 600m up the track there is a fallen Sweet Chestnut and just beyond that a tall stand of trees to the left. We were treated to many lively flights around the tree tops by a couple of males before moving on.

    After that we walked a long-ish circular route back to the car park and had two additional sightings of what were probably females amongst the Sallows. So, seven in all of which five were females. No close-ups of males though.

    There were many Silver Washed Fritillary and White Admiral (20-ish). We also got a glimpse of White Letter Hairstreak at the top of an elm and there were still some Dark Green Fritillary in the clearing. All in all, a great day.

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