Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Goings On In Warwickshire

Quite a few goings on to report from around Warwickshire. The following are sightings from Oversley Wood:
  • 17/07/12: Warwickshire's first 2012 Purple Emperor was reported by Richard Eyres.
  • 20/07/12: 4 seen by Richard Southwell and Andy Barker, including 3 grounded on the south side of the wood.
  • 21/07/12: 1 seen by Neil and Chris Freeman on the north side.
  • 22/07/12: 2 seen by me, both males at opposite ends of the congregation area. Usually, the eastern end is favoured and I have rarely seen activity to the west so was very pleased! Also, 1 grounded female seen by Paul Masters.
  • 23/07/12: 1 Emperor reported by Don Wagstaff and 4 spotted by Simon Primrose: 1 grounded female feeding on the NE side of the wood, another possible female flying/perching between oak and hazel trees, and 2 non-interacting males at the eastern end of the congregation area.
  • 24/07/12: 1 seen by Rob Adams.
 Sightings have now also started coming in from Ryton Wood and the adjoining Ryton Pools Country Park (RPCP):
  • 22/07/12: 1 grounded Emperor at RPCP, seen feeding by Brian Sherwin near Pagets Pool.
  • 24/07/12: 1 spotted by John Carter at Ryton Wood.
No doubt there will be more sightings this week with the incredible weather we are (finally!) having. I'll be at Oversley Wood again tomorrow so im hoping to top the maximum count of 4 seen in a day. If anyone decides to visit tomorrow, you'll probably find me sitting around a big pile of dung, some smelly shrimp paste and a few rotting banana skins!

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