Monday, August 27, 2012

Another Aberration

Male 'semi-iole' photographed by Doug Goddard in Fermyn Woods on 23rd July, 'Big Bang' day in Fermyn.  I saw it in close by flight, but it wouldn't settle for me...

The nightmare truth is that I may well have walked past it when it was feeding on the ride, wings closed, for there is little to tell from the underside that it was a variation (white bar on hind wing somewhat reduced, and slightly less of the reddish-brown surround too).  The lesson is obvious, check each specimen... -

I know of at least nine iris aberrations that were seen this year: seven in Fermyn Woods, Northants, and singletons in Bentley Wood (possibly two), Wiltshire, and at Knepp Castle estate in West Sussex.  Most were photographed.

And at this stage it looks as though the last iris of the year was seen in Herts on 23rd Aug...  Any more late sightings?

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