Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gale Warning

A bit worried that the forecast strong winds could close the 2012 Purple Emperor season.  This butterfly has a bad track record at surviving strong winds - hardly surprising as it roosts high up in tall trees. 

The following interesting sightings have been reported -

A tattered male on an oak sap run at Hale Purlieu on the NW edge of the New Forest, 5th August, Dr Sue Clarke.  

A windblown male around and then settling on the Chilterns Gateway centre building on Dunstable Downs, Beds, on 4th August, Jon Powell. 

Sex uncertain, doing a twirl around an oak tree at Cookham & Maidenhead Commons at 6pm on 9th August, Pete Brash. 

Keep them coming, the sillier the better...

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