Monday, July 15, 2013

From Bill Seager

Nigel and I struck lucky at Fermyn, Lady Wood and Souther Wood on this sweltering day, with over forty individuals spotted by us around the complex - all Males. Arriving at 8.30 and finding HIM already out of bed was a pleasant surprise, but the usual trick of standing over his Majesty to get him to show his imperial robe did not always work because it was so hot. He was still up when we called it a day at 16.30 hours. I do believe Mr Oates was in need of a calculator to record his sightings today, and this total beats our last four visits added together by a healthy margin. However, as we did not see the two aberrations that were present at Ladywood we will have to return later this week. My luscious pools of shrimp paste bait were eschewed for other natural substances, although the Commas found it to their taste. Our thanks go to Neil Hume, who last season demonstrated the usefulness of fold-away bikes at this wood, when he recorded double our total and was not so tired that he couldn’t take in the evening flight as well.

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