Sunday, July 14, 2013

from Matthew in Fermyn, late Sunday afternoon, 14th July


After failing to find iris around the Bridgwater Monument at Ashridge, near Tring, Oates drove to Fermyn Woods, where he stays in a lonely cottage in the wood edge meadows, accessed by driving through the woods. He arrived late, delayed by resurfacing works, at 5.30.

They were waiting for him. He managed to drive unmolested down Cherry Lap and across the field into Lady Wood. There he was waylaid.  Two fresh males swooped down on him.  He struggled on.  At the junction, beyond the poplars, he was forced to stop.  4 perfect males descended to feast on his gloriously filthy car.  Unfortunately he only managed photos of 2 in a vista (to be posted later).  An hour later he was able to continue to the cottages - having seen a good 10 males (but, interestingly, no Purple Hairstreaks).

Lesson: don't clean your car until after the Emperor season...

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