Thursday, June 26, 2014

A fantastic sighting in Hertfordshire

Some of you that contribute to the Empire will remember Nick Sampford who sadly died a few years ago. He was a great fan of the Purple Emperor and supporter of the Herts & Middx Branch having contributed countless fantastic photos in the early days of the branch website.
I received this email a few minutes ago from his daughter Katie! I think it is simply wonderful! The village is about 4.5km from our known nearest site and 2km from my back garden!!!

"Something really strange happened yesterday and although people might not believe it I think it was a sign from my dad Nick Sampford ( one of his favourite butterflies was a purple emperor ). Yesterday 25th June I had a purple emperor in my garden in Thundridge. It was here for about an hour and a half it was actually landing on my son, daughter, uncle and me I got hundreds of fantastic photos. I will send some photos over in a different email as think maybe that's why the other email never sent as there was quite a few. Not sure if these can be used for anything but I know my dad would have been very proud of them and been very jealous I got to experience such a beautiful butterfly in my garden "


  1. That is a great story for so many reasons! My heart is well and truly warmed! :-)))))

  2. I've added the photos to the herts and Middlesex Facebook page hopefully they can be viewed. Was an amazing experience to have it my garden. Katie sampford

  3. I've just liked the Herts and Middlesex Facebook page, but can't see your photos yet. Am I looking in the right place - Butterfly Conservation Herts and Middlesex?

  4. Yes that's the one I've just made album public that may have been why you couldn't view it

  5. Am still not seeing it. But it's probably me not looking properly. I'm a distinctly amateur Facebook user.

  6. Hi Katie that is just a lovely story and brought back some memories of my own dad see
    Kind regards mark

  7. "I think it was a sign from my dad Nick Sampford"
    I don't think there can be much doubt about that Katie.
    A wonderful story which should reach a wider audience.
    Best Wishes, Neil

  8. Thanks everyone :) was a memory I won't forget in a long time


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