Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bay Watch

Today (29th June) I managed to squeeze in a last trip to Botany Bay, before heading to Mecca with Matthew (Fermyn Woods). It was an unprofessionally late start for me, so it came as no surprise to see a huddle of photographers as I climbed the slope above the concrete bridge. A slightly worn male Emperor was deeply engrossed in particularly large, dark scat. I have my own classification system for these; this one fell into the category 'Gorilla's Finger'. A better example (of iris) had been seen earlier in the morning by Dave Miller and others.

After laying some particularly pungent baits (the smell seems to get worse each season) there was little in the way of further action at ground level until well into the afternoon. However, up to 3 males at a time were working their way around the canopy above 'The Triangle' around midday and sporadically throughout the afternoon.

At 4 pm things started to happen and I was paid my first visit of the season, with a male landing on my boots and moleskins. Before 5.45 pm, when it clouded up, I had a further 3 grounded males. A couple of these were unblemished, and probably emerged this morning. Still early season here and all to play for.


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