Friday, July 4, 2014

A Return To Bentley Wood

After visiting Bentley on Tuesday in less than perfect conditions , i made a return visit today as the weather for the next few days is unsettled at best . I arrived at the car park in glorious conditions and HIM was active from the off . Eight males were seen in total at various heights from a settling on an oak at low level to sallow searching and tree top fly-overs . Returned to the ride behind the car park to see a female enter deep inside a broad leaved sallow and flit from leaf to leaf depositing eggs .Tried to get into double figures but it was'nt to be as cloud quickly thickened ending the day . Returned to the car park to discover i had missed a grounded male on a banana skin by a few minutes .

1 comment:

  1. was good to bump into you yesterday, double figures next time? ;)


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