Sunday, July 6, 2014

As I arrived at 9.30, the weather looked poor, wall to wall cloud and cool with little chance of seeing a Purple Emperor. But this is Firmin I thought, a 'Premiership' Emperor wood, and from what Matthew and Neil an had mentioned on the forums, it had to be only a matter of time.
I need not have worried as the locals were very friendly and helped me find the right locations.
Around 10.30 things started to happen with 5 seen around the oaks on one corner including at least 1 female.
From 11.30 - 14.00 all hell broke loose, I was being bombarded by males. At one point I had 4 down at once on the track to myself. I photographed one trousering, one shirting me, one on my finger and another on a bewildered lady's arm finding out the time. This was like all my Christmas's coming at once. His Imperial Majesty also granted me permission to 'badge' him, which I duly took advantage of.
Altogether I had 11 groundings and estimate around 40 were seen altogether. Most looked like they had been out a little while, with a few fresh examples. Myself and the local did briefly see a male with very dark forewings, and regular hindwings, but it did not land unfortunately. I stayed until 15.30 and was watching individuals right up to that time. The ladies were more evident in the afternoon.
I have 2 more days to go, and I feel I am only scratching the surface. It cannot get any better than this, can it? I'll do my best tomorrow to make sure it does!

Mike Gibbons

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