Thursday, July 3, 2014

Doings in Fermyn (1)

Just back from fantastic few days in Fermyn Woods, Northants.

Arrived home to find the drains blocked (they block up every Emperor season, presumably they want to attract iris), so only have time for a quick post.

Purple Emperor now at peak season there and in quite good numbers.  If you're your thinking about going there this weekend - GO!  Cancel the daughter's wedding, sell the wife into slavery, stuff the car boot sale and the neighbours' barbeque and GO!  Don't leave it till the next weekend, that will be too late.

Trip Highlights -

Yesterday I counted 90 during a 9 hour circuit round the huge Lady Wood, Souther Wood, Titchmarsh Wood & Green Side Wood block.  This is down on the 134 I counted along that route on July 16th last year but is still a good count, and 2013 was an amazing Emperor year.

Today I counted 42 (including 4 females) during a two hour circuit of Fermyn Wood itself (Stephen Oak Riding to Cherry Lap) with members of the BB Society (Denys Watkins-Pitchford) from 10.00 to noon.  That's amazing - they were everywhere, high and low.

Here's a couple of shots of males on fox scats.  Many more pics to follow -

(Neil terms these scats Gorilla's Fingers!)

1 comment:

  1. I can only dream of seeing them for real We are planning on going tomorrow Have printed of a map of Fermyn woods Where do you suggest we head for for the best chances of seeing them?

    Thanks in anticipation



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