Saturday, July 11, 2015

Early morning Sallow searching

After many hours observing locations at Knepp over the past week and firm in the knowledge that females were on the wing I decided to search the Sallows.

I encountered over 30 males searching for females, until I flushed what I initially thought was a male from a bush. Unlike the males I had been watching that weren't settling this one settled facing into the foliage. I did a double take and realisation dawned rather quickly that this was Herself. I took a couple of record shots (in case I disturbed her again), but the density of the foliage made it very difficult to get a side on photo.

As she was facing away from me, I moved around the branches and came in from the rear. As she opened her wings, I was astonished to discover that she had sustained some significant damage to her right wings. This didn't appear to affect her too much as she sped off keeping low through the nearby Oaks.

This of course means that there are now only 13 badges left to be awarded.

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