Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fabulous Fermyn

Matthew Oates once said: Fermyn doesn't do a bad season...and he is so right!
Arrived at Fermyn at 8am in already 18 degrees and clear blue sky. Within a hundred meters of the gate a male was already grounded...a fantastic start. Then walking onto Lady Wood, we encountered another five groundings, all by 9.30am. By that time photos opportunities weren't brilliant due to the heat and very skittish behaviour of seen males. By 11am the behaviour changed totally from grounding to searching and edging. This of course made the sightings count go through the roof. By the time the clouds thickened (around midday) we had account of approx. 45, of which one was confirmed as Herself. 
We then moved to the entrance opposite the paint ball centre as the skies cleared to add a further 15 sightings, one of which was a female being followed by a male to the crown of a pine tree. Presumably "the nasty" took place out of view as she didn't do the classic spiral rejection to the ground. 
On returning to the car we saw one final grounding. In total we had over 60 sightings of which two were girls. Judging by these numbers we think Fermyn is doing better than last year as we managed to get 100 sightings over 3 days last year. Males are probably close to their peak now as many are quite faded and damaged, but the female emergence would appear to be just starting.
Don't delay it any longer, pull a sickie and go to the woods!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic place Fermyn!I went for the first time last year to see my first purple emperor.
    In fact, daft as it was, I drove down again the very next day, to experience more of this magical kingdom!
    Ps I live in East Lancs!!


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