Thursday, July 9, 2015

Herself Appears

I was able only to work a short day at Knepp, as I was promoting the Purple Persuasion to a journalist.  

Again, males were seen searching the sallow thickets in a big way, particularly in late morning.  Around lunchtime many established territories in tall oaks, where they behaved atrociously towards all winged biodiversity.  There was a quiet period around 3pm, an afternoon siesta, then an evening flight commenced, which went on until 7.45.  

I only managed this modest photo - 

This is because the Emperor seldom visits the rides in this district. I'm not sure why, perhaps they are honeydew based here?  Having said that, singletons were seen and photographed down on paths at Knepp both yesterday and today - but this is in stark contrast to the mass breakfast that occurs in Fermyn Woods every mid-morning.  

The really good news is that Herself actually deigned to appear today.  Two pristine females, seen flying very low and warily beneath male territories - under the male radar.  

Also, I discovered the butterfly in a previously unsurveyed part of the estate - by looking for male territories.

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