Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Here is some more evidence that iris is getting out into the wider countryside. The map shows a part of north oxfordshire. If you look at a Google aerial map of the region you will find no large woods, just copses and spinneys. The four red crosses show where iris has been spotted, since 2011, all singletons, apart from Worton Wood near Ledwell  [0.25 square km] where 3 were seen last year. The scale at the bottom indicates how far these four localities are apart. The other three sightings were at Hook Norton in a small narrow wood, at Heythrop in parkland, and at a tree nursery in North Aston. These sightings are surely too far apart to have been the result of releases. Apart from Worton Wood, the sightings were 'accidental': i.e., people were not looking for iris.

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