Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Peak

The peak in Upper Thames [berks/bucks/oxon] was between the 8th and 12th July. I get the impression from your blogs that it was the same in other regions: was it?
It certainly would be interesting to know, for example, if it peaked earlier in Sussex than in Northants.

1 comment:

  1. We're not really sure yet, because the weather deteriorated after the 12th, with just the odd good day thereafter (e.g. the 17th). Peak numbers in Sussex seem to have been over the weekend of the 11th - 12th, but the females were only just getting going then. In Fermyn, and probably Savernake, I suspect that peak season was around the 18th.

    Part of the problem has been the wind - this has been a very windy July...


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