Tuesday, July 5, 2016

50 up at Knepp...

I managed to see 57 Emperors at Knepp today, including an 'egging' female.  

To be honest, I'm disappointed by that tally, as I had anticipated over 80. I am beginning to feel that this is not going to be a good Emperor year, but it may still be early days (actually, at Knepp it's Day 9) and I may yet be proven wrong.

Males were dashing about all over the place until about 2pm, sallow searching and generally exploring. That's typical of freshly emerged males. Crucially, nearly all were seen in close proximity to the sallow thickets, usually leeward of them. I don't think any were recorded on the tracks today.

Here are a couple of photos from today, of males on oak territories - 

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