Tuesday, July 12, 2016

First Visit to Fermyn Woods Friday 8th July

I travelled down from North Yorkshire Friday morning first visiting Bucknell Wood to see my first ever Wood Whites, White Admirals and Silver Washed Fritillaries. After this successful visit I popped into Glapthorn in the off chance of getting a glimpse of a Black Hairstreak which after half an hour I was lucky enough to find and share with others also looking.
Then with the sun shining I paid my first visit to Fermyn rather late in the day but I thought I would get to know the area ready for my weekend of viewing there.
The rides in Fermyn were devoid of Purple Emperor's at this time so I headed into Lady and Souther Woods along the track between the two I met a couple who said a Purple Emperor had grounded and they had been watching for 20 mins so my pace quickened could I see the Butterfly I had most wanted to see for the first time in my life,in my first 30 mins of looking. As I rounded a bend in the track I could see two people staring at the floor as I got close I could see it was his Majesty sat there in all his splendour. So here I was my very first sighting of a Purple Emperor not a fleeting glimpse but one which was happy to pose for yet more photos. 

He eventually headed up into the surrounding trees to be seen a couple of times more whilst we talked about butterfly sightings around the UK. What an amazing first Purple Emperor sighting here's hoping that I and many others I am sure get some other great sightings this weekend. 

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