Sunday, July 3, 2016

From Ashley Whitlock

Today I made my first pilgrimage to Alice Holt Forest although the weather was generally warm with lots of dark clouds the majority of time after twelve o'clock it was quite sunny, and the woodland itself in Abbotts Wood Inclosure there wasn't a lot around at all. Plenty of Ringlets a splattering of Meadow Browns and a single Speckled Wood with a couple of Marbled Whites. Very poor considering what I saw at Abbotstone Down yesterday. However I ventured over to Alice Holt Forest (1) Assembly Point and as soon as I set up my step ladder, unfortunately this site is now almost a right off, as I cannot see with trees and shrubbery in the way, and I just caught a glimpse of two Purple Emperors chasing each other at 1250 flying from the east-to west. Then there was a single male doing a typical vista patrol around the Assembly Point. I never stayed long as this site now is very uncomfortable trying to make notes balancing on a step-ladder....could almost be in a circus!

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