Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Middle Aged Thug of the Year

He may look innocent, cute even, but he's comfortably won the coveted Middle Aged Thug of the Year Award for 2016, for beating up, repeatedly, and with malicious intent - Common Darter dragonfly, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Carrion Crow, a whole flock of assorted young tits (not all of which had attended public school and / or the Royal Agricultural College), Purple Hairstreaks (several), Large White, and assorted petty items of aerial biodiversity (bees, flies, etc).  

He's an inspiration to us older blokes...  

Male emperors change territory quite a bit, but this thug took firm charge of a territory at Knepp called Gratuitous Violence, which is between Skinhead Ally and Bay of Assassins. Most territories at Knepp have names (and numbers, for people lacking any sense of humour): as examples, Caligula, Serial Offenders Institute, Malicious Intent, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Syd Vicious, Brothel Creepers, Hells Angels: Knepp Chapter, Teddy Boy Cavern and Game of Thrones. 

When it comes to mindless violence Britain still has what it takes...

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