Monday, July 18, 2016

Saturday at Savernake

After a change of plans managed to pop over to Savernake for a few hours on saturday. Arrived to be told that I had just missed a grounded male by literally minutes - was helpfully told that it was still there as I pulled up in my van! News was that there had been a lot of activity over the previous few hours. I didnt have to wait too long until one glided down from the top of a tall oak and landed on the column. It didnt stay for long but over the next few hours saw several more but all up high and gliding through the clearings. Could identify at least 3 individuals due to two having various damage on their wings with a third pristine looking individual. Gave up when the wind got up and clouds came in. In my limited time of visiting Savernake to look for Emporers (only got the bug 2 years ago), it was the most I had ever seen in one day.

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