Friday, July 22, 2016

Squirrel Damage...

Today I searched unsuccessfully for iris in Haugh Wood in Herefordshire and in Dymock Woods on the Glos / Herefords border. Sallow quality is high in both woods, though they are both FC woods which means that sallow quantity is rationed. I was disappointed not to turn the species up, as weather conditions were perfect for performing males. I would particularly like Herefordshire to Come Out and declare itself in purpuratum. Maybe it will in a better iris year...

I was struck by the extent of squirrel damage to sallows in Haugh Wood.  In Savernake, almost an entire new generation of sallows that sprung up following FC thinning works along Three Oak Hills Drive has now been killed off by Grey Squirrels stripping bark, like this -

The wretched animals seem to favour the broader-leaved sallows, and female trees to boot - precisely the type of sallows most favoured by Herself.  

Is squirrel damage a significant issue elsewhere?

My cats have been instructed to crunch squirrels at will (they are already licensed to crunch tits).  

Tomorrow I'm off back to Knepp, having just gone two July days without seeing iris (albeit after seeing it for 21 consecutive days). Withdrawal symptoms are kicking in...

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