Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Prospects for the 2017 Purple Emperor Season - early start likely...

Purple Emperor larvae are starting to pupate (certainly in the South East). They are way ahead of the norm.

As things stand, the first iris of the year is likely to take to the air around June 15th at 'early' sites such as Bookham, Chattenden and Knepp. In which case the season will have finished by July 20th.

However, the insect can get trapped in the pupal stage by cool or wet weather.

At this stage, though, I am advising fellow Emperorphiles to bring their plans for the season forward...     

I am not expecting numbers to be huge, but much depends on flight season weather, and also on how long the pupal stage lasts.

Watch this space for further news...  We are going to have a fantastic time... We shall all fly soon... 

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