Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Knepp showing strongly

Myself and my girlfriend made the long journey from Dorset to Knepp today to get our fill of purple . On arriving the heat was intense with just meadow browns and marbled whites showing . Fearing it was too hot we got to one of the main "hot spot " rides which was on the shadier side and instantly the Emperors showed themselves . Most of them making brief flights over the sallows then back to the oaks for shade . Occasionally a few battles took place but it was only half hearted . Highlight was a female getting intercepted by a male and after a brief chase they settled high up presumably to pair up . The difference in size between them in flight was striking . In total we had 21 sightings with a supporting cast of a White Admiral and a few Purple Hairstreaks . My holidays will now interrupt the Emperor season but hopefully they have not burnt themselves out in a fortnight for a return visit . Sadly no photos as no groundings and those we could see were out of camera range .

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