Sunday, June 11, 2017


Welcome to the 2017 Purple Emperor season!  A fresh male was seen by Rob Hill at Bookham Common, Surrey, this morning - down on dog poo, only it was promptly disturbed by a mountain biker and ascended rapidly into the canopy...

This is the earliest record of iris since the long hot summer of 1893 when one was captured by boys from Marlborough College in West Woods, Wilts, on June 10th, and it was reported as being out in the New Forest 'by early June'. It beats Rob's previous record of June 13th in 2011, also at Bookham.  

I've been warning of a likely early appearance on this blog for some weeks now...

Anyone planning on Emperoring after the first week of July this should should panic and talk nicely to their boss / wife / partner / family and bring their Emperoring holiday forward. I am not expecting numbers to be at all high this year but much depends on the weather over the next few weeks and I'm more than happy to be wrong.

Enjoy! It's Emperor time, and little else matters...

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