Sunday, July 2, 2017

Battered in Bentley

A trip to Bentley Woods in Wiltshire was planned for today as the day looked a good sunny one.
I arrived at 9.30 and by 9.45 had a battered tatty male Purple Emperor down on a silver Volkswagon in the famous car park. Indeed it did seem to approve of this car brand as it moved from bonnet to registration number, eventually settling on the badge. Very interesting, perhaps there is a Golf in our knowledge of HIM's preferred car brands!
As I was about to leave the car park another drifted over. I set off on the main ride and had only walked a short distance before I put up a male in much better condition. This male settled at my feet for a short time before flying up for a rest 10 ft up on a hazel leaf.
Another was seen at Donkey Copse resting at the top of a tree. I made my way back to the car park and drove off down the track on my way out only to see another out the car window low down on an oak, but it did not stay for photos. A grand total of 5 was very pleasing as I had not seen my usual quota of His Imperial Majesty for 2017 as I've been spoilt at Fermyn in recent years.

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