Monday, July 10, 2017

Savernake Ova

I had to journey to Lyneham in Wiltshire today to pick up our pooch which had been holidaying there with relatives, so I took the opportunity to stop off in Savernake. Having visited with Matthew previously in the Autumn to look for larvae I thought I ought to see if I could catch up with the adults -  with some success. There was only intermittent sunshine through the lunchtime period and I managed mostly brief views of five males along three oak drive and around the column - although one did an extended glide across the avenue about 20ft up. Good numbers of Purple Hairstreak were showing on the oaks and a lady showed me a picture of a nice Valezina she had taken on one of the rides. One of the chaps Emperor watching mentioned he and seen a female the day before so I made a note to return to do a bit of searching on the way home - well the dog needed a walk!
I returned to the North of the forest about 5:30pm and focused my search on a few bushes where I had found Larvae with Matthew, and after 45mins and on the third bush which had perfect foliage, bingo a fresh green ova - very satisfying.
Kind regards

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