Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Back to Bentley Wood

After yesterday Bentley Wood beckoned again, so an early arrival gave me time to get well into the wood before the serious heat got going. I saw 8 males altogether, less than yesterday but some in different places. Inevitably one newly emerged individual came down to the main track area for nearly an hour. It was amusing to watch the capers of this male iris, he started off on dog poo as per the two seen yesterday, then flew up to some bracken for a rest. He then flew on to some bramble which had been covered in tree sap and spent around 10 minutes imbibing on the shiny sticky green leaves. Then he made the mistake of going back on the track to imbibe, this meant he ended up with a rather large blob of earth stuck to his proboscis which really annoyed him as he could not get it off. He then flew off squirting out a stream of meconium as he moved up high.  Ah the naivety of youth!
Bentley Wood has become much busier vehicle wise than previous visits I have made. Cars and tractors were frequently using the main track when I was there, luckily this male was well to the side of the track and stayed, but yesterday they were put up quite a bit.


A rest

Unable to resist this sticky sap

Back down to the track

Can't seem to shake off this blob 

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