Friday, June 29, 2018

Fabulous Fermyn (Part 2)

My second day (28 June) at Fermyn proved to be even better, with some very fresh males descending to the rides from about 10.30 am onward. Emperors were still flying when I finally left the site at 7.30 pm (six hours later than planned). Although my belachan soup was the main draw, one male showed his appreciation of my Red Bull (other energy drinks are available; never give Red Bull to small children or babies). He's probably now at Knepp.

The best action came just before 4 pm, when a coupled pair of emperors drifted down from the canopy - manna from heaven. This allowed several of us the opportunity of some really rare shots.

As always, Fermyn provided some great experiences and created some wonderful memories. I certainly won't forget the happy hour I spent gazing at a perfect moon hanging low over Brigstock, with the air full of screaming Swifts.





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