Monday, June 25, 2018

Hot stuff in Bentley Wood

Having just returned from Alaska and still a bit jetlagged, I ventured to Bentley Wood on this very hot day, arriving by 8.00. My first 4 Purple Emperors were very actively flying around the top of oaks at 9.00, moving so fast it was difficult to get my binoculars on them. However it was when I was walking back to the car park just after 10.00 when I saw the one, the iris I had wanted to see all my life. It suddenly appeared by my feet and fluttered around the track but refused to land. I could see no white on this incredible butterfly and from what I did see it was an ab.iole/lugenda type. I wish it had landed but it wasn't to be this time. A little later I saw 3 males down on the track on dog poo and on my bait, with my final sighting on a gate post at 12.15. Activity seemed to stop in the heat of the day. It was so hot here I saw a Common Lizard minus tail basking on the track. Bentley Wood is hotting up as all those seen seem to have recently emerged, so numbers could be well up on recent years.  

Moving to the bait.

The 2 males enjoying their meal.

Common Lizard which has a tail to tell!

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