Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Outrage at Knepp!

Yesterday, Brother Dennis and I witnessed a preposterous event. 

A very foolish female, quite possibly on her maiden flight, made the fatal mistake of flying along a line of oaks infested with ardent males overloaded with testosterone. She was quickly accosted by a couple of lone males, then blundered into a pair of sparring males, and panicked... . 

She then did the daftest thing possible: she flew straight up into a prominent canopy gap where four males were battling away. At that point she completely lost it, turned right, immediately picked up another male and fled with a bundle of nine - repeat nine - amorous males all squabbling for the right to deflower her.

Dennis and I hung our heads in shame.

Imagine nine Benny Hills pursuing a lone blonde bimbo...

You would not want your daughter to go out with a bloke with the morals of a male Purple Emperor.

1 comment:

  1. ‘You would not want your daughter to go out with a bloke with the morals of a male Purple Emperor.’

    This has to be my favourite post of 2018! Keep imagining blokes with enormous quiffs and purple velvet suits patrolling the woods in search of the innocent. All I encounter are men with cameras and earnest expressions.


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