Monday, June 18, 2018

Promising Start in High Wind at Knepp

Managed to see 14 males at Knepp this afternoon, despite a moderate to fresh wind which rendered flying difficult from 3pm. That's pretty good for what is probably Day 2 of the flight season there, though it was hard work. Maybe I would have seen 20 had the wind not got up so violently.

Males were not holding territories, but were wandering around, exploring. That's classic Day One male behaviour. I did see one pair going at it hammer and tongues, before they went off in pursuit of a crow... Later, one was seen chasing off a flock of six starlings. I failed to photograph any of today's boys - it was too windy.

Also, Purple Hairstreak and White-letter Hairstreak started today at Knepp.  

Meanwhile, Bookham Common at last kicked off today: Rob Hill saw three males battling away at the Hill Farm territory.  Also, this male was photographed down on the ground by Colin Kemp - 

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